Reviving Elden Ring PvP: Challenges and Solutions

From its inception, Elden Ring’s PvP system has been a point of contention, with some heralding it as a departure from the soulful experiences of previous titles, while others find solace in its new dynamics. As the game’s first major DLC, “Shadow of the Urge,” looms on the horizon, the community eagerly awaits potential changes that could breathe new life into Elden Ring’s PvP scene. However, recent revelations from a FromSoftware press release suggest a potential setback, sparking concerns among players. In this article, we delve into the controversies surrounding Elden Ring PvP, analyze the challenges it faces, and propose solutions that could revitalize this essential aspect of the game.

The Current State of Elden Ring PvP:

One of the primary grievances among players regarding Elden Ring’s PvP lies in its departure from established norms, particularly in comparison to previous titles like Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3. The limitation to four players in the Overworld and six in limited Coliseum modes significantly alters the PvP landscape, leading to imbalanced encounters and frustration for invaders. Unlike its predecessors, where invaders could find strategic advantages or engage in honorable duels, Elden Ring’s PvP often descends into chaotic skirmishes or one-sided ganks, robbing the experience of its depth and nuance.

The absence of meaningful rewards further exacerbates the situation, with players feeling little incentive to participate in PvP beyond the thrill of combat. Unlike Dark Souls’ rich covenant systems, which offered unique rewards tied to PvP activities, Elden Ring’s PvP lacks tangible incentives, relegating it to a niche activity for a subset of players. Without proper rewards or incentives, the PvP scene struggles to thrive, leading to dwindling interest and engagement over time.

Challenges and Solutions:

Addressing the shortcomings of Elden Ring’s PvP requires a multifaceted approach that acknowledges both its inherent challenges and potential solutions. While some issues may be deeply ingrained in the game’s design, there are several avenues through which improvements can be made to enhance the PvP experience for all players.

  1. Reward System Overhaul:

Implementing a robust reward system is paramount to incentivizing PvP participation. Introducing exclusive armor sets, weapons, and items that can only be obtained through PvP victories or participation in Coliseum modes would provide players with tangible goals to strive for. By offering unique rewards tied to PvP progression, FromSoftware can encourage players to engage more deeply with the PvP aspect of Elden Ring, fostering a more vibrant and sustainable community.

  1. Expanded PvP Modes and Features:

Diversifying PvP modes and introducing new features can inject freshness and excitement into the PvP experience. Adding a Fight Club mode to the Coliseum, where players can spectate and participate in consecutive duels, would create a dynamic and interactive environment for PvP enthusiasts. Additionally, reintroducing designated PvP areas akin to Dark Souls’ iconic locales would provide players with curated PvP experiences while enriching the game’s lore and world-building.

  1. Improved Onboarding and Accessibility:

Enhancing the onboarding process for new PvP players is essential to cultivating a healthy and inclusive PvP community. Introducing NPC invasions that simulate ideal PvP encounters can familiarize players with PvP mechanics and strategies in a controlled environment. By guiding players through introductory PvP experiences, FromSoftware can mitigate frustration and ensure a smoother transition into the world of Elden Ring PvP.


As Elden Ring prepares to embark on its journey into the realm of DLC content, the future of its PvP scene hangs in the balance. While challenges persist, there remains hope for a revitalized and flourishing PvP community within the lands of Elden Ring. By addressing core issues, implementing meaningful rewards, and expanding PvP modes and features, FromSoftware can chart a course toward a brighter future for Elden Ring PvP. As players eagerly await the arrival of “Shadow of the Urge” and the promise of new adventures, the potential for a reinvigorated PvP experience looms on the horizon, beckoning warriors to test their mettle in the crucible of battle once more.

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