New World – Seeking Guidance as a New Player

I recently started my New World adventure following the expansion release, and I’ve quickly fallen in love with the game. Currently, I’ve reached level 65 and have a Gear Score (GS) of 690, although the perks on my gear aren’t quite what I’d hope for. My primary focus is to excel in higher-level Mutator expeditions, particularly as a healer. However, I find myself in need of guidance on several fronts:

1, Gear with Desirable Perks: I’m eager to acquire gear with valuable perks, such as the Corrupt Progenitor Life Staff. I’m aware of resources like New World DB, but I’m uncertain if I need to grind Pit Lord in Shattered Mountain for hours to obtain it. Are there alternative methods to secure such gear? I’m essentially seeking general advice on how to obtain named gear with good perks that can be upgraded, as it appears to be the primary way to obtain best-in-slot (BIS) equipment. Should I focus on specific items, or do expeditions have a chance to yield gear with BIS perks?

2, Main Story Quest (MSQ) and Faction Missions: I have yet to complete the MSQ, and I’ve only dabbled in faction missions. Would it be advisable to prioritize finishing the MSQ and engaging more in faction missions to enhance my end-game currency and crafting item options?

3, Loot Bias and Healer Playstyle: As a healer, the loot bias system based on equipped gear can be somewhat limiting. When I wish to farm gear, should I do so as a healer with full focus, or do I have alternative options? I’ve been working on leveling my Void Gauntlet and Life Staff to level 20, and I’d like to enjoy solo content with different weapons, but I’m concerned that this might prevent me from obtaining the drops I need as a healer. Does this mean I can only play as a healer when engaging in content that could potentially drop gear?

I’m truly appreciative of any insights, even if they confirm what I’ve already suspected to be true. If you’re aware of any concise guides or resources beyond New World DB and maps, I’d welcome the recommendations. My aim is to optimize my gameplay to ensure I’m making the most of my time and not merely going through the motions.

Kuma1925 provided some valuable information:

1, When you check New World Database (NWDB), you’ll find two bosses that drop the Corrupt Progenitor Staff, and they are much easier to defeat than Pit Lord. Pit Lord is often farmed because of the trophy material he provides. You can also obtain a staff with your desired BiS (Best in Slot) perks by crafting it in the Kiln using the materia you acquire from the season pass. NWDB can help you identify the perk combinations available, and you can craft it with a GS of 700 and a random third perk.

Running expeditions is another way to obtain gear drops, but it’s recommended to run at least M2 or M3 to ensure high GS (700) gear drops consistently. Specific perks may drop from particular expeditions, so farming certain expeditions for specific perks may be necessary. For example, the Padded Molten Wristguards drop from Empyrean Forge, and the GS, attributes, and third perk are randomized. Crafting Kiln armor, such as the Azoth set, and using Chromatic Seals to re-roll specific perks is an effective approach.

2, Yes, it’s advisable to prioritize completing the MSQ. You don’t need to max out faction standing immediately, but it’s a good idea to start accumulating Chromatic Seals daily for your Kiln crafts, particularly for your Life Staff and jewelry.

3, While leveling weapons, the armor drops you receive may not be at a reasonable GS. In this context, loot bias doesn’t significantly impact your progress. Loot bias primarily affects loot from opening caches, level 70 elite chest runs, Mutators, and end-game content. To optimize your loot, make sure to switch to a secondary healer weapon when necessary. For example, in Expeditions, consider using a secondary healer weapon like a rapier, allowing you to potentially roll healer rapiers.

I wish you the best of luck on your New World journey, get a lot of New World gold, best items and friends!